Thank you for your interest in the Spartan Tennis Program!
NO-CUT SPORT: The BEHS tennis program is committed to providing an environment that supports all levels of tennis. Therefore, we have initiated a no-cut policy. If a player is interested and committed, he will be placed on a team.
FIRST DAY OF PRACTICE: Monday, March 31, 2025 is the first day of the boys tennis season. Students are off school this day, but we are asking all players to meet at the BEHS tennis courts for practice/tryouts from 10:30 AM -12:30 PM. If it rains, please meet in the Field House corridor. Tryouts will continue on April 1 and April 2 with returning Varsity, JV1, seniors and invited players practicing 3:30-5:00 and all other players 4:30-6:00. Once teams are formed, players will receive a team practice and match schedule.
REQUIREMENTS FOR TRYOUTS: All players must register and submit a signed physical card, concussion form, and WIAA Code of Conduct form prior to tryouts. These forms may be found online under the Brookfield East Athletic Page. If you have any questions about registration, please contact Cheryl Waffenschidt in the Athletic Office.
UNIFORMS: All players need to order a uniform shirt. Uniform shorts are NOT required. Riedl Sports is handling our uniforms and spirit wear. Please go to our BE STORE to order your uniform shirt and any other spirit wear that you would like. This order must be placed by Wednesday, March 19th.
PARENT MEETING: All parents are invited to the Parent Meeting on Monday, April 7 at 7:00 PM in the BEHS cafeteria.
Linda Lied Boys and Girls Head Coach
Annette Malloy Boys and Girls JV Coach
Beth Horneffer Boys and Girls JV Coach
Eustace Apolonio Boys and Girls JV Coach
QUESTIONS: Please email Coach Lied at or text to 414-379-9090.
